Sunday, December 31, 2006

Painting competition in the college

we had a painting competition in our college regarding female infanticide, and it was us who organised the competition. it was a success though and lots of students participate and even we forced some students to sit in it, and you all must be amazed to know that a girl whom we asked to sit and even supplied the stuffs won the first prize. even the principle praised our initiative , but we must thanked the NGOs "world lungs foundation" for their support and their plans regarding was very hectic on the particular day, but it was worth doing, especially for me. i loved doing this odd stuffs and i must thank all my frens of the NSS and our teacher sir Dr. Manjit, for his support.


Monday, December 04, 2006

Tobacco a journey to death.

“The tobacco industry is the greatest killing organization in the world. The harm done by all the armies in the world combined, will not begin to equal the damage inflicted upon the human race by the combined activity of the cultivators, manufacturers, and distributors of tobacco.”—Dr. Jesse M. Gehman, Smoke Over America (East Aurora, N.Y: The Roycrofters, 1943), p 216.
"Tobacco alone is predicted to kill a billion people this [21st] century, 10 times the toll it took in the 20th century, if current trends hold," says the Associated Press article, "Tobacco could kill 1B this century," The Detroit News, p 4A (11 July 2006).

"Tobacco producers are "terrorists", Seffrin tells Israel Cancer Association," The Jerusalem Post (31 March 2005): "All those involved in the production and marketing of tobacco products are 'terrorists', declared Dr John Seffrin, president of the American Cancer Society and elected president of Geneva-based International Union Against Cancer (UICC)."
What is tobacco?
Tobacco is the dried leaf of a plant that grows in many parts of the world. Tobacco contains many chemicals including a drug called nicotine, which is a mild stimulant and very addictive, tar and carbon monoxide (the same gas that car exhausts pump out). Tobacco is found in cigarettes and cigars.
Cigarettes may also be known as; fags, smokes, joints and roll-ups.
Immediate effects of smoking
Nicotine is a powerful, fast acting drug, when smoke is inhaled, the nicotine effect hits the brain about 8 seconds later. Nicotine speeds up the heart rate and increases blood pressure. The carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke greatly affects the heart as it reduces the bloods ability to carry oxygen. Nicotine helps reduce stress, anxiety and boredom. However, this effect fades quickly, which encourages continual use. If you are a first time user it may make you feel sick.
If you smoke regularly it makes your breath smell (known as halitosis) and can turn your fingers and teeth yellowy-brown.
smoking could affect the way you look
Most people know smoking seriously affects internal organs, particularly the heart and lungs, but did you know it also affects a person’s appearance by altering the skin, body weight and shape. Smoking can also have a noticeable ageing effect on the body. A smoker’s skin is estimated to wrinkle up to 20 years earlier than that of a non-smoker.
The skin is affected by tobacco in two ways, firstly tobacco released into the environment has a drying effect on the skin’s surface. Secondly, because smoking restricts blood vessels, it reduces the amount of blood flowing to the skin, so depriving your skin of oxygen and essential nutrients.
Body weight and shape can be greatly affected by smoking tobacco. Smokers in general tend to be thinner than non-smokers and this is believed to be because nicotine acts as an appetite suppressant and increases the metabolic rate.
Long-term effects of smoking tobacco
Tobacco and smoking cause long-term damage to your health and can kill. Smoking causes chest problems, cancer, infertility and heart disease. Smoking may also lead to an earlier menopause.
Lung cancer is the cancer most associated with smoking. Lung cancer kills more people than any other type of cancer and at least 80% of these deaths are caused by smoking. However, there are other types of cancer, which can be caused by smoking, these include: cancer of the mouth, lip and throat, cervical cancer, anal cancer, pancreatic cancer, bladder cancer and leukaemia.
Tobacco contributes to at least 2000 limb amputations each year. Smoking will also raise your blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure and these 2 factors are the main 2 reasons why people get coronary heart disease.
Every puff of a cigarette irritates the lining in your mouth. This can lead to sores, ulcers and can damage your gums, causing you to loose your teeth.
On average smokers have far more complications during pregnancy such as premature birth or even a still-birth. Women who smoke during pregnancy are also at risk of giving birth to a lighter baby (an average 8ozs/200 grams lighter than babies born to non-smokers) and a low birth weight is associated with higher risks of death and disease in infancy and early childhood. There is also an increased risk of cot death in babies whose mother has smoked during pregnancy. Smoking in men has also been associated with low sperm counts and impotence.

About passive smoking
Breathing in other peoples smoke, known as passive smoking can cause breathing difficulties, asthma and cancer. More than 17,000 children under the age of 5 are admitted to hospital every year because of the effects of passive smoking. Children are more susceptible to the effects of passive smoking and children who live in a household where both parents smoke, are receiving a nicotine equivalent of smoking 80 cigarettes a day.
Giving up
If you want to give up you should prepare yourself mentally, firstly set a date and know what you will gain from giving up. Secondly analyse what triggers you to smoke, is it boredom, alcohol or parties? Giving up can leave you with a sense of emptiness for at least a month so try and think of something to overcome this, it could be a new hobby.
Get professional help from your doctor,Make a list of reasons why you want to stop and then use these reasons to help you when things are tough. Most people will use a nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) when trying to give up, ensure you choose the right method for you. The NRT patches are the best option for you if you are the kind of smoker who needs a cigarette within 30 minutes of waking. The patch delivers nicotine into the system steadily to reduce withdrawal effects. If you are more of a social smoker or smoke when stressed then gum or lozenges may suit you better and can help break down the association between smoking and certain emotions.
Most people, especially women also worry that when they give up they will put on weight, the good news is that exercise even a regular 20 minute walk will boost your metabolism far better than nicotine. Try drinking water or chewing gum to keep your mouth busy in place of a cigarette.
If you are going to give up you have to do it completely, if you cut down you are more likely to smoke each cigarette you do have more intensively and end up doing yourself more harm.
If you feel under pressure or upset in the first few weeks of giving up, fight off the temptation to smoke, don’t let it be an excuse for beginning to smoke again. It may help if you create a treat for yourself, how much do you spend on cigarettes? On average most people spend approximately £800 a year, so every week put the money you would have spent on cigarettes away and use it to treat yourself to new clothes or a holiday.
After giving up smoking your health will improve rapidly as your body begins to repair itself. You will have more energy, breathing will be easier and food will begin to taste better. More importantly your heart, lungs and bladder will begin to heal. You are classed as a non-smoker when you have been a year without a cigarette.
Facts on tobacco and smoking
Tobacco is the only legally available consumer product, which kills people when it is used entirely as intended.
India rank second in term of tobacco production, next to china
Tobacco smoke contains about 4000 chemicals.
The tobacco industry spends around £100 million a year on promoting its products in the that is in just one country.
1 out of 2 regular smokers will die prematurely because of their habit.
The death cause by smoking tobacco is, six times more deaths than all other road accidents, murders, manslaughter, poisoning, suicide, overdose and H.I.V. infection put together.
India counts for about 14.7% tobacco consumers in the world.

( by Gaikhamdim)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

My college Canteen

Over the year our college canteen have really improved a lot.comparing when we were in first and second year.. this year it have really improved not only in trem of infrastructure.
But also in term of service, the canteen is known as 'Food Plaza' .....have a look this is the daily scene going on in the Food Plaza...
Here you can get Drinks both cold and hot .... Rajma rice.... there are about50 to 60 item.Which is very much above average for a college canteen.
I guess it is one of the best Canteen in the whole of Delhi University.
BY Gaikhamdim.

Friday, November 17, 2006


IITF , a trade fair is now being held at pragati maidan. last night i went there, it was nice feelin to see our native people from manipur, they came here especially for showcashin our culture. , but m kickin myself for not being able to reach there at right time. i would rather say i didn't see any manipur programme,cos i reach there after the show got finished.well i think the destiny wanted me to, by the way i did see some stuffs at various stalls. i liked a bike,a bicycle which can be run by electricity. and guys it cost a mere sum of only 14 grand.hahaha.. i think its too much for me.but still some can afford it. if u interested then u can get from pondichery ghana

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


The MSAD organised a rally against APSPA on 11 of october.I(Gaikhamdim Marangmei) had joint the rally too.... the rally start from ITO central delhi.Then went to Sonia Gandhi resident at 10 janpath,, where we got arrested by the Delhi Police some of them we taken to tuqulkh road station ..we were taken to Parliament street station where we spent for about 4 hours in the station,later we were release around 8:30 pm.